Are you trying to figure out how the STEPN Luck attribute works?
Perhaps you recently started playing STEPN but feel completely overwhelmed by all of the different factors that influence the gameplay?
Well, don’t worry, because it’s very common for newbies to get lost in all of the different attributes and in-game items that influence how successful you are.
In this guide, you’ll learn what Luck actually does in STEPN as well as how it will affect your STEPN strategy.
Let’s get started!
Key Points (tl;dr)
- Luck is one of the four different attributes that sneaker NFTs have within the STEPN Play-to-Earn game.
- The value of Luck that your sneaker NFT has, influences the drop rate of Mystery Boxes during gameplay. The more Luck you have, the more likely you are to receive a Mystery Box.
- Based on data collected and analyzed by STEPNStats, there seems to be an optimal range for the “Luck” attribute:
- The minimum Luck that every STEPNer should have is 15-20
- The maximum Luck that the best sneakers should have is between 40 and 60
- Other STEPN attributes include Efficiency, Comfort, and Resilience. Each attribute impacts a different aspect of the game and attributes can also affect the effectiveness of each other. In other words: You should know that there are interdependencies.
For a detailed guide on how STEPN Luck impacts gameplay, PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE.
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Explained: How STEPN Luck Really Works
Here’s the answer. Great article by @ChrisHeidorn right here:
What is Luck in STEPN?
“Luck” is 1 of 4 different attributes of sneaker NFT in the STEPN Move-to-Earn game. The attributes of your sneaker NFTs influence various aspects of the gameplay, including your ability to earn GST, STEPN’s primary utility token.

As you may have already realized, sneakers play a crucially important role within the STEPN gameplay mechanics.
Not only are there different sneaker types, sneaker qualities as well as various levels.
Each sneaker also comes with 4 attributes that can impact a number of aspects of the game depending on the values of the attributes.
For example, these attributes influence your GST and GMT earning potential, the durability and repair cost of the sneaker, and also your likelihood of receiving a STEPN Mystery Box drop.
Today we are going to talk specifically about the STEPN Luck attribute.
The “Luck” attribute in STEPN is the one that determines the frequency and quality of Mystery box drops.
And guess what, it doesn’t only impact the likelihood while you are playing the game yourself, but also while you might be leasing your sneakers out to someone else.
You might be wondering why you should care, right?
Well, there are many different levels of Mystery Boxes and they contain so-called Gems and Minting Scrolls.
These are items that you will eventually need in order to play the game better.
Gems are used to enhance various attributes of your sneakers and Minting Scrolls are required to “breed” new sneakers.
How Does STEPN Luck Affect STEPN Mystery Boxes?
Your sneaker NFT’s “Luck” value is an important factor in determining the likelihood of you receiving a STEPN Mystery Box during gameplay. You can increase your chances of finding Mystery Drops by upgrading your sneaker NFT’s “Luck” attribute.

To be honest, only the developers of STEPN have a truly holistic view of how all the different elements impact each other.
Bear in mind that while some things will have a positive impact on some attributes, they may have negative consequences in other areas.
Let’s a have a quick look at the Mystery Box Value, which determines the likelihood of a drop:
MysteryBoxValue (V) = N * (PSL+PSLC)^SystemValue3
What do these variables mean?
- PSL: Player Sneaker Luck
- PSLC: Player Sneaker Luck Coefficient (Gems/Sockets, NFT Badges)
We could simplify the formula into the following:
Drop Likelihood = Energy * Luck ^ SystemValue3
No one really knows what the value of SystemValue3 (SV3) is, but analysis from the community has suggested that it might be close to 0.26.
Either way, some people might assume that you want to increase your STEPN Luck attribute as much as possible.
However, that isn’t the case at all.
According to the formula above, and taking into account SV3, there is a point at which your STEPN Luck starts to impact GST earning potential.
There’s a fairly detailed analysis available in a Twitter thread, where Krit from STEPNstats actually does all the number crunching.
The key takeaways from it are:
- The minimum STEPN Luck that every STEPNer should have is 15-20
- The maximum STEPN Luck that the best Polyvalent sneakers should have is between 40 and 60
There’s more that could be said about Mystery Boxes, but we’ll reserve that for a dedicated article.
The main thing for you to remember is that Luck influences your chances of getting a Mystery Box.
And you’re going to need them as you progress through the game.
Just make sure you don’t overstretch certain attributes because extremely high values only make sense in very rare cases.
What Other STEPN Attributes Are There?
There are a total of 4 different STEPN attributes that sneaker NFTs can have: Efficiency, Luck, Comfort, and Resilience. Each attribute impacts a different aspect of the STEPN gameplay mechanics.

Now that we’ve taken a closer look at STEPN Luck, you might also now be curious about the other sneaker attributes.
Although this isn’t necessarily the right place to expand on each one in detail, let me give you a quick overview of all of them.
The 4 STEPN sneaker attributes are:
- Efficiency: This impacts your GST earnings potential. More Efficiency in STEPN results in better GST earnings for each Energy you spend.
- Luck: As mentioned above, STEPN Luck impacts your chances of receiving a Mystery Box.
- Comfort: This attribute is currently undergoing development. All we know right now is that it will impact GMT earnings, but our guide on Comfort in STEPN shares some of the most likely outcomes.
- Resilience: As your sneakers suffer from wear and tear over time, you’ll have to repair them. Resilience in STEPN makes your sneakers more durable.
We’re currently working on dedicated mini-guides that address each of the attributes in more detail.
Once they are ready, they will be referenced here.
How to Get Started With STEPN
The best way to get started with STEPN is to download the mobile app, create an account, activate it using a STEPN activation code, and study our STEPN guide on how to play the game.

Are you completely new to STEPN and have no idea where to start?
Don’t worry, because STEPN can be quite overwhelming for many people.
It’s a fairly complex gaming system that has so many different elements to it.
Make sure to check out our detailed guide on how to play STEPN.
And if you’re still struggling to activate your STEPN account, have a look at our guide on how to get a STEPN activation code.
It might seem difficult but we actually got ours in less than an hour of trying.
STEPN is one of the most exciting new Move-to-Earn concepts to come out of the recent crypto and NFT craze.
We sincerely believe that NFT games like STEPN have the potential to create exciting new economies that blend the real and the virtual world.
And the best thing about it is that you’re doing something for your health as well.
Here at Tokenized, we want to help you learn as much as possible about the coming NFT revolution. We help you navigate this fascinating new world of non-fungible tokens and show you how you can integrate tokenization into your own business.