Are you trying to figure out the best way to use the STEPN resilience attribute?
Maybe you’ve come to realize that you’ve been focusing too much on increasing the Efficiency of your sneaker NFT and have neglected the impact on STEPN maintenance costs?
Well, you’re not alone because more and more people are asking what the ideal ratio of Efficieny and Resilience is.
In this guide, you’ll learn what the STEPN Resilience attribute does, how much your sneaker needs, and how it influences your repair costs.
Let’s dive right in!
Key Points (tl;dr)
- The STEPN Resilience attribute is one of the 4 attributes that influence and enhance the properties of your sneakers. Resilience helps reduce the need to repair your shoes.
- While there is no perfect amount of Resilience, the most common ratio that STEPNers use is 3:1 between Efficiency and Resilience. There are diminishing returns beyond a Resilience level of 14.
- The total repair costs that you will incur during STEPN maintenance are influenced by various factors, including the type of sneaker you have, the level at which it is, the Resilience factor, and any potential Gems that might enhance the Resilience effect.
For a detailed guide on how the STEPN Resilience attribute works, PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE.
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Explained: How STEPN Resilience Really Works
Here’s the answer. Great article by @ChrisHeidorn right here:
What Does the STEPN Resilience Attribute Do?
The Resilience attribute of your sneaker NFT in STEPN influences the durability of your shoe. Sneakers with a higher level of resilience need to be repaired less often and have lower overall maintenance costs.

If you’ve come to this article then I think it’s fair to assume that you already have a general understanding of what STEPN is and how it works.
However, maybe you’re still a little bit unclear on what the different sneaker attributes do.
Obviously, no one knows how the game developers might change different elements of the gameplay in the future.
But for the time being, it’s important to understand what aspects of the game are influenced by the 4 different attributes.
In this article, we’re going to take a closer look specifically at STEPN’s Resilience attribute.
If you’re curious about the other attributes as well, I recommend you check out our dedicated guides for Luck, Comfort, and Efficiency.
Anyway, the Resilience attribute is often overlooked because most people just focus on trying to earn more and more GST.
However, what many tend to forget is that the more you run, the more durability your sneaker loses.
Sure, you can always repair them but as your level up your sneakers, the repair costs tend to increase as well.
So you ultimately reach a point where you’re forced to think about increasing the Resilience of your STEPN sneaker.
You can either do that by adding attribute points or by using Resilience Gems to enhance the effect of the STEPN Resilience that your sneaker already has.
But what is the ideal ratio between Efficiency and Resilience?
Well, that’s something we’ll address in the next section.
How Much Resilience Should a Sneaker Have?
Most STEPNers try to maintain a ratio of 3:1 between Efficiency and Resilience as they level up their sneakers over time. Higher Resilience leads to great durability, however, there are diminishing returns beyond levels of 14 and higher.

As with most things in life, it usually depends.
There’s no clear-cut ratio that is guaranteed to always be the right approach in any situation.
However, the ideal ratio between Efficiency and Resilience STEPN attributes is hotly debated in the various forums where STEPNers tend to meet.
Based on comments from dozens of community members, it seems that a ratio of 3:1 is the most common recommendation for “Common” sneakers.
In other words, for every 3 Efficiency points they usually add 1 Resilience point to their attributes.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you should continue with this strategy forever.
In fact, many people have pointed out that there are significant diminishing returns once you hit a STEPN Resilience level of 14.
What this means is that any additional improvement that you’d like to achieve in terms of durability will require more and more Resilience.
In other words: It’s just not worth it beyond a certain point.
We’ve provided a nice STEPN Resilience table that illustrates this problem quite well (Source: StepnEurope).
What Are the Maintenance Costs of STEPN Sneakers?
Repair costs of STEPN sneakers vary depending on the type (or quality) of the sneaker, the level to which it has been upgraded, and the impact of its Resilience attribute.

Talking about Resilience and the durability of your sneaker is nice since it all kind of makes sense.
But you’re probably wondering what it actually costs to repair a sneaker in the first place.
The repair of your sneaker depends on a number of factors:
- Sneaker Quality
- Sneaker Level
- Durability Loss / Outwear
The first factor is pre-determined as soon as you purchase a sneaker.
The second factor is influenced by you, but generally speaking, most players want to continue to level up their sneakers.
The durability loss, however, is that part that you influence via the Resilience attribute.
Here’s how your STEPN maintenance costs are calculated:
Repair Cost in GST = Repair Factor * GST per 1% Durability Loss
To give you an idea of what that would mean for various different sneakers and levels, we’ve put together a nice table for you.
Although the Resilience attribute in STEPN isn’t the most popular factor in the game, it still plays an important role.
There’s little point in earning more and more GST if it all gets eaten up by repair costs.
Your objective should be to find a good balance that best suits your own goals and game strategy.
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