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7 Proven Ways How to Get Views on OpenSea

Are you looking for ways how to get more views on OpenSea?

Perhaps your NFT project has already made a sale or two but it’s struggling to really take off?

Don’t worry, figuring out how to get views on OpenSea is a very common problem not only amongst newcomers but also more experienced artists.

Creating an NFT project is one thing but getting people to actually buy your NFTs is an entirely different story simply because the competition has become so massive.

In this article, you’ll learn 7 proven ways how to get views on OpenSea and finally start increasing your chances of making a sale.

Let’s dive right in.

Key Points (tl;dr)
  • You’re never going to make sales if people don’t know who you are and haven’t seen your work.
  • Getting your artwork in front of as many eyeballs as possible, is crucial to your success.
  • Not all visitors on OpenSea are actually counted as views. “Views” are only counted if the user has authenticated and logged into their account with their wallet.
  • Getting more views on OpenSea requires various different marketing efforts, including using NFT directories, building a profile on curated marketplaces and actively engaging with collectors on Twitter.

For a comprehensive list of things you can to do get more views on OpenSea, PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE.

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Why Are Views on OpenSea Important?

If no one sees your artwork, no one will buy it. It’s that simple. The only way to increase your chances of making a sale is to get as many people as possible to see your artwork. Just like in marketing and sales, efforts don’t materialize right away. The effects tend to compound over time.

Infographic explaining why views on OpenSea are important.
Infographic explaining why views on OpenSea are important.

Let’s face it, despite all the talk about how people are in it for the art, the NFT space is primarily dominated by people who are looking to make money.

They might say that they’re in it for the art and perhaps they really do like some of the art, but their primary objective is to generate a return on their investments.

If you’re a real artist, I understand why this might seem upsetting to you.

After all, you’re literally in it for the art and you’re primarily interested in finding real collectors who see your potential.

However, in the end, you need to accept that you are essentially running a type of business and the same rules of marketing and sales apply to you as they do with any other online store.

You need to get your artwork in front of as many eyeballs as you can because, in the end, it’s all just a numbers game.

The more people see your artwork, the greater the chances of you making a sale.

So, as much as you prefer to just concentrate on your artwork, you’re going to have to learn how to put in the difficult work of promoting your artwork.

And in this article, we go into detail on some of the things you can do.

How Are Views Counted on OpenSea?

OpenSea only counts visits to an NFT’s item page if the user previously logged into his account and authenticated with his crypto wallet. Any other non-authenticated pageview will not be counted by OpenSea as a view of that particular NFT.

Infographic explaining how views are counted on OpenSea.
Infographic explaining how views are counted on OpenSea.

One thing you should know about OpenSea’s stats and rankings is that they count their view very differently from what you might be used to.

Not every visit to your NFT is automatically counted as a view.

In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of views that are actually not being counted on OpenSea because they are from random visitors or web crawlers who aren’t logged into their accounts.

You see, OpenSea only counts a “view” as a view when the user has authenticated themselves and logged in with their crypto wallet.

So next time you look at your OpenSea stats, consider what sort of an audience you are promoting your NFTs to.

Or are they completely new to cryptocurrency, let alone NFTs, and probably haven’t ever logged in to OpenSea?

These are some of the obstacles that you’ll have to keep in mind when you try out news way how to get views on OpenSea.

How to Get Views on OpenSea

In order to get more views on OpenSea, you will need significantly increase your marketing efforts and promote your work consistently for an extended period of time. You must research where your target audience spends time and try to find ways to make them aware of your artwork, without spamming them.

Infographic listing several ways how to get views on OpenSea.
Infographic listing several ways how to get views on OpenSea.

While getting more views definitely isn’t easy, it’s also not entirely impossible if you know what sort of approaches have proven to work in the past.

Obviously, the competition is getting bigger and smarter by the day, but luckily the vast majority of people are simply too lazy to put in the work.

If you want your NFTs to get the visibility they deserve, then you’re going to have to figure out where buyers spend most of their time and where their attention is.

The most obvious example would be social media and more specifically Twitter since it’s become the de-facto platform for most of the crypto industry.

But there are many other channels that you can use in order to reach a highly targeted audience and also generate social proof around you and your project.

Let’s look at 7 proven ways how to get views on OpenSea.

Screenshot of the NFT Drops Calendar website.
Screenshot of the NFT Drops Calendar website.

Unless you already have your own community or social media following, you’re going to have a hard time jump-starting your NFT career.

The best thing you can do at such an early stage is to find out where NFT buyers are spending their time and figure out how to get more views on OpenSea.

People who are looking to invest in the next big NFT project want to get in as early as possible.

So, very often they will either frequently visit or subscribe to an NFT directory or a calendar that published upcoming NFT projects.

Here’s a quick list of 11 directories that you can submit your project to, but rest assured, there are many more!

Generally, this is a good approach to get your project in front of new eyeballs and one of the easier ways how to get views on OpenSea.

That being said, completing some of the forms can sometimes be rather time-consuming.

2. Submit Your PFP Project to Various Rarity Tools

Screenshot of the Rarity Tools NFT Tool
Screenshot of the Rarity Tools NFT Tool

Getting your NFTs listed on many of the various NFT rarity tools is also a strategy that can be very effective, especially if your project is a PFP collection with thousands of items.

Not only do these tools often have their very own integrated NFT calendar, but they are also an excellent way for people to engage with your collection.

As they discover the different traits within your PFP collection, they become increasingly familiar with the artwork and are more likely to see its appeal.

These rarity tool providers are also fighting for attention, so it might be an excellent way hot to get more views on OpenSea, if you give them the opportunity to list your project first.

3. Increase Your Presence on Curated NFT Marketplaces

Infographic showing examples of curated NFT marketplaces.
Infographic showing examples of curated NFT marketplaces.

If you are not just launching an NFT project as a funding mechanism and were already a real artist before getting into NFTs, then we strongly urge you to work on your public NFT profile.

You see, not all NFT marketplaces are necessarily ideal for true artists.

While OpenSea obviously aggregated most of the attention and trading volume, it’s not really the best place for a real artist to get noticed.

Instead, you should concentrate your efforts on NFT marketplaces whose business model is to curated art, very much like a traditional art gallery or auction house.

Although some of these curated marketplaces are incredibly exclusive (e.g. SuperRare), others are a bit easier to get into (e.g. Foundation).

This won’t necessarily help you get more views on OpenSea directly, but it will help you become more well-known amongst the people who matter.

4. Get Verified on OpenSea by Being a Recognized Artist

Infographic explaining what a verified collection looks like on OpenSea.
Infographic explaining what a verified collection looks like on OpenSea and why they help you get more views on OpenSea.

Social proof has always been a big factor in marketing long before the internet even existed.

Any sort of purchase always involves some risk and various different aspects of marketing help reduce that risk by increasing trust.

The most obvious way to do so is to build a brand because brands revolve around trust between the producer and the buyer.

And in the world of social media, the pinnacle of social proof is the coveted “blue checkmark”.

Now, while not every single blue checkmark is necessarily genuine (there are ways to buy them on Twitter), they are a strong indicator that someone is legitimate.

OpenSea also has blue checkmarks for NFT collections that indicate that they have been verified.

This is particularly important because OpenSea is also rampant with fraud by people who are trying to pose as well-known projects, selling counterfeit NFTs to unsuspecting buyers.

Because it helps direct people to the right collections, it’s an excellent way how to get more views on OpenSea if you’re a more established project.

Just like on Twitter, it’s not entirely clear what the requirements are for OpenSea to give your project a blue checkmark.

However, you will most likely need a considerable amount of trade volume before you can even qualify.

5. Use Twitter to Promote Your Project and Find Buyers

Infographic showing examples of NFT collectors.
Infographic showing examples of NFT collectors, who you can use to get more views on OpenSea.

As I already mentioned earlier, Twitter is the de-facto social media platform for the NFT world.

Once you dive into this universe, you’ll quickly notice that it’s full of artists, builders, collectors, investors, and scammers as well.

You’ll regularly see people with big Twitter following tweet things like “I’ve got 5 ETH to spend on NFTs. What should I buy?“.

While these are great opportunities to drop a link to your collection in hopes of other people seeing them, it’s not necessarily a great way how to get more views on OpenSea.

We recommend you take a more intelligent approach.

Try to identify real NFT collectors.

You can do that by observing who is buying the artwork of real artists on platforms such as Foundation.

If you then engage with these people on Twitter, chances are they might notice your artwork as well.

You can also join one of the many Twitter spaces and get up on the podium to speak.

Obviously you shouldn’t just talk about your project hoping to get more views on OpenSea, but just introduce yourself and become an active member in the space.

The more you engage with the scene, the more people will start to notice you.

Bear in mind though, that social media is a long game and nothing that will earn you any riches overnight.

Many of them will more than gladly promote your projects for a fee.

Infographic explaining how NFT newsletters work.
Infographic explaining how NFT newsletters work and how to get views on OpenSea using this method.

Yup, email marketing is still a thing.

Actually, it’s a lot bigger than you might think and the market for newsletters with great content has literally exploded over the past few years.

Getting your email into someone’s inbox is still one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your content or products.

And if the audience is right, it might also be a great way how to get views on OpenSea.

You see, newsletters don’t write themselves and authors are constantly looking for interesting topics to share with their readers.

Your new NFT project might just be what they’ve been looking for.

7. Be a Guest on an NFT Podcast

Infographic explaining how NFT podcasts work.
Infographic explaining how NFT podcasts work and how to get views on OpenSea using this method.

And finally, let’s finish off with something that’s very similar to newsletters but more in line with the current audio trend.

That’s right, podcasts and audio in general, are finally moving into the mainstream.

After more than a decade since the first podcasts started popping up, technology and public awareness have finally caught up.

People are starting to consume more and more content via audio because it’s more efficient for a lot of people.

So, while you can’t necessarily watch a YouTube video during your daily commute to work (assuming you’re driving), listening to a podcast is easy.

Podcasts are essentially just highly targeted radio shows and that’s why people love them.

Granted, it’s not the most obvious way how to get views on OpenSea, but it will help generate awareness for your project overall.


So, if you’re still wondering how to get views on OpenSea, then I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Promoting your NFT artwork or PFP collection is not going to be easy.

In fact, it’s probably going to be really hard and you need to prepare yourself for a ton of work that needs to be done before anyone will take you seriously.

But remember, nothing in life that’s worth anything, is easy.

So start planning your marketing efforts and get to work!

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