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Solved: How to Add Rules in Discord the Right Way

Want to add rules to your Discord server?

Well, don’t worry, because you’re not the only one trying to learn how to add rules in Discord.

In this guide, you’ll learn exactly what your options are and what you need to do in order to force people to accept your rules.

Let’s check it out.

Key Points (tl;dr)
  • There are generally 2 ways how you can add rules to your Discord server. The first one involves setting up a dedicated read-only channel that effectively “hosts” your rules.
  • The second method requires you to set up membership screening within your Discord server and define a specific set of rules that users much accept before they can enter.
  • Both methods come with pros and cons, however, we usually recommend that you set up both, simply because they tend to complement each other quite well.

For step-by-step guides on how to add rules to Discord servers, PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICLE.

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The 2 Types of Discord Server Rules

There are two ways how you can set up rules in Discord. The first one involves creating a dedicated read-only channel, while the second one effectively forces anyone who joins the server to acknowledge and accept the rules.

Infographic explaining the two types of rules that you can add to your Discord server.
Infographic explaining the two types of rules that you can add to your Discord server.

Let’s face it, not even the friendliest Discord server can survive without a reasonable set of Discord rules.

Running an online community is a lot more challenging than most people think.

Being the only admin can work for a while but beyond a certain point, you are going to have to rely on a team of moderators to support you.

But having a team of moderators is not enough.

You also need to provide them with the necessary guidelines that help them decide what they need to enforce and where they can give some leeway.

When setting up your first set of Discord rules, you effectively have 2 options available to you:

  1. Create a Discord rules channel
  2. Force new-joiners to accept your Discord rules

Some communities use one or the other, while many also use both at the same time.

How to Add Rules in Discord

It is generally recommended that you add membership screening (incl. rules) to your Discord server and complement it with a dedicated rules channel for future reference.

In the next sections, we’ll discuss some of the pros and cons of each one and also show you step-by-step how you can set them up.

Bear in mind that these options are not mutually exclusive.

That means that you can use both of them at the same time to achieve the highest effect.

How to Create a Discord Rules Channel

A Discord rules channel is exactly what the name already suggests.

It’s a separate channel on your Discord server that is usually named “Rules” or “Server-Rules”.

Unlike other channels, its permissions are set up in a way that only administrators can add messages.

This “read-only” setup ensures that the channel isn’t spammed by other users and the rules are always immediately visible to everyone.

What makes this option popular is the fact that it’s easy to set up and provides a reference that users can consult at any point in time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to ensure that users actually look at the rules and even notice that they exist.

Nevertheless, here are steps on how to add rules to your Discord server using a rules channel.

Step 1: Create a new text channel

The first step is to create a new text channel, just like any other channel, and name it “Rules”.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 1
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 1

Step 2: Access the channel’s advanced permissions

Next, we need to access the channel settings and open up the advanced permissions.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 1
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 1

Step 3: Set the channel to read-only

From there we can deactivate the “Send Messages” permissions, which effectively make it a read-only channel.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 3
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 3

Step 4: Post your rules in the channel

Finally, you can post and edit your full set of rules inside the channel.

Since you are an admin, you still have full rights within the channel despite the read-only setting.

Congratulations! You now know how to add rules in Discord with a dedicated rules channel.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 4
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using a rules channel – Step 4

How to Force New Members to Accept Your Discord Rules

Although a dedicated rules channel is always a good idea for any Discord server, it’s difficult to ensure that new joiners actually pay attention to them.

That’s why we generally recommend that you also set up rules that new users have to acknowledge before they are allowed to enter the server.

While this is no guarantee that they will actually adhere to those rules, the psychological effect of having to confirm that you’ve read and accepted the rules should not be underestimated.

However, in order to use the mechanism, you must first enable the “Community” feature on your server and then set up “Membership Screening“.

Here are the steps on how to add rules to Discord servers via membership screening.

Step 1: Enable the Community feature

Start by accessing the server settings of your Discord server.

From there you can access the “Enable Community” tab and then click the “Get Started” Button.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 1
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 1

Step 2: Quickly set up your community

You’ll have to go through some safety checks but they’re very basic and easy to complete.

Try to stick to Discord’s recommendations for the most part.

You can always change things later on if you want to.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 2
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 2

Step 3: Set up Rules Screening

Next, go to the “Rules Screening” tab and click the “Set up Rules Screening” button.

Click the “Get Started” button at the bottom and start adding some rules.

Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 3
Step-by-step guide on how to add rules in Discord using membership screening – Step 3

Step 4: Enable Screening

Once you’re happy with everything, enable rules screening by clicking the “Enable” button.

This forces new users to accept the community rules before they can join.


No matter whether you’re on a desktop computer or using the mobile version of Discord on iOS or Android, the process is mostly the same.

Remember, the reason you want to know how to add rules in Discord is that they contribute to order and civil debate among the members of the community.

As much as we all want to get along, you need enforceable rules for when people cross certain lines.

Here at Tokenized, we want to help you learn as much as possible about social media. We help you navigate the world of tech and the digitalization of our society at large, including the tokenization of assets and services.

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