So you want to disconnect your wallet from OpenSea?
Maybe the news about recent hacks and stolen Bored Apes freaked you out and now you want to protect yourself against malicious actors?
The idea of losing all your valuable NFTs by simply clicking the wrong button or waking up to an empty crypto wallet is terrifying for most NFT investors.
The first thing that comes to people’s minds is that they need to figure out how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea.
While this might give you some peace of mind, this isn’t quite enough to truly protect yourself because the vulnerabilities are elsewhere.
In this article, you’ll not only learn how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea but also how to use Revoke Cash to protect yourself again theft.
So let’s get right to it.
Key Points (tl;dr)
- Disconnecting your wallet is as easy as selecting the right menu item in OpenSea’s navigation menu.
- There 3 simple methods how to discconect wallet from OpenSea:
- Log out via the profile menu
- Log out via the OpenSea wallet’s profile menu
- Simply switch your crypto wallet
- While this will quickly log you out of OpenSea, it doesn’t actually protect you against NFT theft.
- In order to prevent malicious actors from exploiting vulnerabilities in your Ethereum address, you must tools such as Revoke Cash to take back the permissions you have given to various dApps.
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Solved: How to Disconnect Wallet from OpenSea
Here’s the answer. Great article by @ChrisHeidorn right here:
How to Disconnect Wallet from OpenSea
You can easily disconnect your wallet from OpenSea by opening the profile menu in the top right corner and simply clicking on “Log Out”.
Disconnecting your wallet from OpenSea is actually one of the easiest things you’ll ever do.
It literally takes just a few clicks to disconnect your wallet and log out of OpenSea.
You see, there’s a common misconception amongst crypto newbies that your wallet is somehow separate from your user profile, when in fact they are the same thing in the Web3 world.
So, does disconnecting your wallet from OpenSea protect you from dangerous exploits?
Not really, because the vulnerability isn’t the connected wallet but rather the token approvals you’ve given to various dApps.
However, before we teach you how to use Revoke Cash to cancel all those approvals, let’s first have a look at the following methods on how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea:
- Method 1: Log out via profile menu
- Method 2: Log out via OpenSea wallet
- Method 3: Switch your crypto wallet
If you ended up here by accident and are actually trying to achieve the opposite, then you should probably check out our guide on how to connect MetaMask to OpenSea.
Method 1: Log out via Profile Menu

The first way how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea is to log out of your OpenSea account.
This requires you to open the navigation menu from the Profile icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Once the menu opens, you can click the “Log Out” menu items to disconnect your wallet from OpenSea.
If the disconnection is successful, you’ll see a short little message at the bottom of your screen.
Method 2: Log out via OpenSea Wallet

There’s another way how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea and effectively achieve the exact same result.
It’s not really easier or quicker, but it shows you how to disconnect OpenSea wallet from various different areas within the website.
Click the OpenSea wallet icon in the top right corner of the screen.
This will open the wallet sidebar which contains another profile menu in its top-left corner.
If you click that Profile icon it will open another sub-menu from which you can click the “Log Out” menu item again.
It’s essentially the same process, just in different locations of the site.
Method 3: Switch your crypto wallet

If you want to disconnect your current wallet from OpenSea but still continue using the website with a different wallet, you can simply switch your active crypto wallet.
Follow the same initial steps as in Method 2, however, instead of clicking the “Log Out” menu item, select a different wallet provider from the menu.
This will effectively disconnect the previous wallet and connect the new one instead.
How to Protect Your Crypto Wallet From Being Drained
Disconnecting your wallet from OpenSea will not protect it against the type of NFT theft you’ve read about in the news. The only way to protect yourself against such exploits is to be very careful which dApps you are granting permissions and to revoke all unnecessary allowances for your Ethereum address.

A lot of people who are afraid of losing their NFTs immediately search for advice on how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea.
They think that this will somehow protect them, but that is far from the truth.
A crypto wallet such as MetaMask is nothing but a window into your Ethereum address.
You can use a wallet to interact with your address, but they are entirely separate things.
Your NFTs and cryptocurrency are NOT stored in your wallet, they are stored in your Ethereum address.
Nearly all of the recent cases of stolen NFTs were the direct or indirect result of users giving malicious smart contracts access to their Ethereum address or forgetting to cancel old listings on OpenSea.
Both examples are effectively related to the allowances that you must provide in order to use a dApp like OpenSea.
These exploits could have been executed irrespective of whether your wallet was connected to OpenSea or not.
These allowances (or permissions) are recorded on the blockchain.
And that’s why it’s pointless to search for ways how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea.
The only way to prevent this from happening is to avoid granting permissions to fraudulent websites in the first place or to revoke unused permissions using a tool such as Revoke Cash.
We have a nice little guide on how to use Revoke Cash and we strongly urge you to familiarize yourself with this process.
It just might save you thousands of dollars.
If you want to know how to disconnect wallet from OpenSea, rest assured, it is very easy to do.
There are multiple different methods but they all effectively just require a few clicks.
However, if you thought this would protect you from potential NFT theft, then you’re utterly misinformed.
The only way to protect your wallet from being drained by hackers is to limit the number of permissions that you grant specific websites.
You can monitor and cancel these permissions with tools such as Revoke Cash.
Be careful out there!
Here at Tokenized, we want to help you learn as much as possible about the coming NFT revolution. We help you navigate this fascinating new world of non-fungible tokens and show you how you can integrate tokenization into your own business.